Discover the alarming attacks on America's democracy, freedom of speech, and values we hold dear in our conversation with guest Eric Garland. Together, we reveal the truth about the foreign influence shaping our media and politics and how AI threatens to disrupt free speech.

Join us as we trace the historical relationship between France and the United States, the power of ideas, and the people who bravely defied the odds to spread the ideals of freedom and liberty. We also discuss the ongoing battle for American minds and the importance of being aware of the forces at play in our country. Learn about the attacks on free speech by Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk and their connections to various operations against our show, Narativ.

In this compelling episode, we delve into the history of intelligence and media manipulation in American politics, examining the roles of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and how foreign influence in our media landscape continues to challenge our democracy. Get ready to uncover the truth and learn how to fight back against the powerful forces that threaten the American ideals we cherish.