RATED PG-13. A CO-PRODUCTION OF 63audio and LEAP AUDIO. This is the story of two gay couples and their fight to challenge the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, which went into effect in the first decade of the 21st century. Prop. 8 essentially made it illegal for same-sex couples to marry. Fashioned from actual dialog, TV political ads and court transcripts, "8" is a moving, gripping drama that you must share with your family and friends. 

Written by the author of the recent hit TV miniseries, "When We Rise", Dustin Lance Black.

Featured in the cast were: (*indicates Narada Radio Company members)

Austin Beach* (of Audioblivious Prod.) as Charles Cooper
Bob Caro* as Evan Wolfson
Shannon Grace* as Maggie Gallagher
Christian Ferris* as David Blankenhorn
MJ Cogburn as Dr Cott
Jeremy Hennessy* (of Audioblivious Prod.) as Dr. Gregory Herek
Michael Cogburn as Elliot Perry
Mason Cogburn as Spencer Perry
John Washington* as Dr. Tam
Keane Lutz* as Ryan Kendall
Kristy Glick* as Sandy Stier
Melody Gaines* as Kris Perry
Kyle Bauer* as Dr. Ilan Meyer
Maurice Curran* as Jeff Zarillo
Omar Lopez* as Paul Katami
Lisa Marie Ayala* as the Court Clerk
Victoria Fancki* as the Journalist

And special Guest stars:
Pete Lutz* as Judge Vaughn Walker
Jack Ward* (of Electric Vicuna Prod.) as David Boies
Timm Gillick as Dr. Gary Segura
Mark Bruzee* as Theodore Olson
Nick Wommack* as the Narrator

This play was written by Dustin Lance Black
Produced by Pete Lutz for 63audio
Mark Bruzee for Leap Audio
Post-production by Mark Bruzee
Line Director was Pete Lutz

“Love Don’t Know a Reason” by Michael Callen was used without permission.

8 was originally funded by The American Foundation for Equal Rights and Broadway Impact.

For more information or to schedule your own staged reading of “8” go to:

This has been a co-production of 63audio and Leap Audio.