To celebrate the Narada Radio Company’s Six Hundredth*‡ Anniversary of making Audio Dramas, we announce a Very Special Contest: Write a Horror Script for our new series, “The Cellar”!


1. Script must be original, not an adaptation, although it may contain characters that are currently in the Public Domain. Script must not have been previously produced. Subject matter is your choice – it can be scary, morbid, thrilling, violent, tongue-in-cheek, sexy, or whatever you decide. Adult language is OK, but keep in mind that the human brain gets tired quickly of hearing an overabundance of F-bombs, so don’t overdo it.

2. Script must run at least 22-25 pages long (giving it an approximate half-hour run time). Format is your choice, so long as it can be easily read. It must also be written as an audio drama (i.e., no visual cues).

3. Script must include the following items or will be subject to immediate disqualification:
a. At least one monster or supernatural creature.
b. Sound effects and music cues
c. A MacGuffin (something that drives the plot: an item that is lost and is being sought; or anything of importance to the main character that others may or may not be hiding/keeping from him-her/also searching for) - can be anything but must be obvious.

4. Scripts must not have heavy third-person narration. If one of your characters provides some narration that’s fine, but don’t overdo it. Let dialogue, music and SFX tell the story.

5. There is NO entry fee. First Place and Second Place winners will receive printed certificates and a guaranteed slot in “The Cellar” series run. Third Place winner will receive a certificate and consideration toward future production. Decision of judges is final.

6. All entrants will retain possession of copyrights to their work, but First/Second/Third Place (if option is picked up) winners must agree to delay any new production until after it is showcased in “The Cellar”.

7. Contest is open to anybody, and deadline is 10-27-19, the Six Hundredth*‡ Anniversary of the initial release of “The Big Trip Up Yonder” – Season 1, Episode 1 of Pulp-Pourri Theatre. That’s just a short time away, so GET BUSY WRITING! BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

E-MAIL SCRIPTS TO [email protected]. Scripts received after the deadline will be deleted.

*Sorry, that’s actually the Sixtieth Anniversary.
‡ No, no, it’s the SIXTH, actually, sorry again!


To celebrate the Narada Radio Company’s Six Hundredth*‡ Anniversary of making Audio Dramas, we announce a Very Special Contest: Write a Horror Script for our new series, “The Cellar”!


1. Script must be original, not an adaptation, although it may contain characters that are currently in the Public Domain. Script must not have been previously produced. Subject matter is your choice – it can be scary, morbid, thrilling, violent, tongue-in-cheek, sexy, or whatever you decide. Adult language is OK, but keep in mind that the human brain gets tired quickly of hearing an overabundance of F-bombs, so don’t overdo it.

2. Script must run at least 22-25 pages long (giving it an approximate half-hour run time). Format is your choice, so long as it can be easily read. It must also be written as an audio drama (i.e., no visual cues).

3. Script must include the following items or will be subject to immediate disqualification: a. At least one monster or supernatural creature. b. Sound effects and music cues c. A MacGuffin (something that drives the plot: an item that is lost and is being sought; or anything of importance to the main character that others may or may not be hiding/keeping from him-her/also searching for) - can be anything but must be obvious.

4. Scripts must not have heavy third-person narration. If one of your characters provides some narration that’s fine, but don’t overdo it. Let dialogue, music and SFX tell the story.

5. There is NO entry fee. First Place and Second Place winners will receive printed certificates and a guaranteed slot in “The Cellar” series run. Third Place winner will receive a certificate and consideration toward future production. Decision of judges is final.

6. All entrants will retain possession of copyrights to their work, but First/Second/Third Place (if option is picked up) winners must agree to delay any new production until after it is showcased in “The Cellar”.

7. Contest is open to anybody, and deadline is 10-27-19, the Six Hundredth*‡ Anniversary of the initial release of “The Big Trip Up Yonder” – Season 1, Episode 1 of Pulp-Pourri Theatre. That’s just a short time away, so GET BUSY WRITING! BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

E-MAIL SCRIPTS TO [email protected]. Scripts received after the deadline will be deleted.

*Sorry, that’s actually the Sixtieth Anniversary. ‡ No, no, it’s the SIXTH, actually, sorry again!