SAVE THE LAST WORD FOR ME #1: Chatting with the Audioblivious Gang (8/2016)

Here's a gem from the archives, the inaugural episode of a discussion podcast that I had high hopes for, but which only went for 8 episodes or so. But the discussions are fun and if you're interested in voice actors' lives, we delve pretty deep in these interviews. 

Unfortunately, "Audioblivious" doesn't exist anymore, but I have grown close to several of the people in this episode: Austin Beach and Sarah Golding, for two, who since this interview have made great strides in audio drama, so you should look 'em up and see what they're doing these days.

I'll be posting these re-runs monthly -- they originally launched on a different platform that I never use anymore, so you probably never heard of this show. Still, I hope you'll listen and enjoy.