Today we talk with Afra. Afra is a Blogger, a Birth Postpartum Doula and soon to be Breastfeeding Educator. She has 3 children 5 and under and is based in California. She loves everything birth, breastfeeding and baby wearing and is a huge advocate for supporting women (especially mothers) and making sure they are supported through their journeys. Whether it’s advice on preparation for baby during pregnancy, to postpartum issues, or just general mental health advice, Afra loves to be there. She is soon launching her Virtual Doula Services and Educational Workshops so do look out for that.


Afra talks to us about how Doulas can support women through birth stages and why she became a Doula. She touches on important things needed for consideration during birth stages and gives very helpful tips for women who want to become a Doula and also start blogging.


In this episode


●      How Afra got in to blogging

●      How and why Afra’s blog helps and inspires he followers

●      Afra’s tips for those wanting to start a blogging

●      How and why Afra became a Doula and Birth Coach - her interesting story

●      What is a Doula and how Doula supports women during birth stages.

●      Postpartum depression and support by a Doula

●      Being a Doula has helped Afra with her own traumatic postpartum experience.

●      Afra’s tips for women wanting to become a Doula or new Mom

●      Need of support system, planning and scheduling   

●      Finding friends and people going through the same issues is a big support

●      Preparing yourself for labor will help you be ready for birth

●      Women's right to ask and demand for things during labor

●      Afra and social media

●      Joining brand ambassador groups


You Should Connect with Afra here

Instagram @throughmamaseyesblog and her

website is

Full Episode Transcription: