In today's episode we are glad to talk with Sudduf Wyne. Sudduf has an MBA and is now a successful business coach and brand strategist. Sudduf I helps Muslim mom entrepreneurs achieve financial independence so that they can lead a happy and fulfilling life, while pleasing God, raising good children and helping community. She talks to us about her journey from a store owner to what she is now and shares tips on marketing, learning strategies and how to move forward towards our goals.


How Sudduf shifted from a store owner to a business strategist and coach How Sudduf inspires and motivates Muslim women succeed in their businesses Move forward by knowing your strengths and what you are good at The power of networking Sudduf’s Ramadan Market Women’s mindset and thinking from a financial perspective and investing in themselves and in their business to support their family and community. The importance of learning from people who already know. Sudduf’s go to people for advice Creating email lists for marketing compared to social media posts Content planning and being consistent and organizing marketing tools Making it easy for the other person to say YES

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Full Episode Transcrption here