“To keep the body in good health is a duty… Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha

In today’s episode, Dane Dormio of MindBody Mastery, talks with us about why we need to keep our minds and bodies healthy in order to have successful lives and businesses.

Why is this important?
1. When we allow ourselves to get out of step with our bodies needs, we find ourselves dragging, no energy, our brains become sluggish and it’s a chore to even move one foot in front of the other.
2. As business owners and entrepreneurs, we need to be on our toes. We are always battling unforeseen obstacles, the ever changing processes and strategies that make our companies move ahead – without our health that becomes very difficult.
3. Life is full of ups and downs. When we do simple things like meditate for 5 minutes a day we can start out calmer, more in control and less stressed out.

If you have questions or would like to take a free health assessment, you can reach Dane by connecting with him on Facebook.

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