Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time. - Bruce Springsteen

Consistency in the workplace creates accountability, enhances your reputation, and gives you an opportunity to measure results and make sure things are moving in a positive direction. But according to Bernadette Geyer, today’s guest, consistency comes down to things like your brand, the words you use in your marketing and even your actions where your customers see you acting and “being”. In other words, being consistent allows you to measure your results and your ROI. It gives you a form of accountability. Didn’t do something today that you were expected to do? Customers not happy? You weren’t consistent in your actions. And then, of course that helps in the creation of a business’ reputation, and on and on. Without consistent action and consistent structure within the very core of your company, you cannot be truly successful.

When it comes to hiring someone to take on the responsibilities of your written documentation such as a copywriter like Bernadette, it is even more important to have a form of consistency. The person you hire must understand and be able to sound like, and create wording that comes across in the voice of the person who they are working for. To make this clearer, let’s sit down, bring along a beverage of choice, and listen in as Bernadette and Nancy talk about being able to be consistent.

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