“The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

— Mark Zuckerberg, founder, Facebook

People are flocking to business ownership these days. It is THE thing to do when someone is dissatisfied, disgruntled and just wanting something to call their own. They may have done their homework, started off with a bang and then – nothing. The phone doesn’t ring, the website has no hits, there is silence. What do they do then? Give up? What was the true meaning of starting their business in the first place? Did it have meaning to those they wanted to sell to or was it something just for themselves. Something THEY wanted to do?

Mindset is one of several issues that is top of the list for people who are starting (and running) small businesses. If the mindset isn’t right, then the business won’t be either. In today’s conversation with Dr. Barbra Portzline, we talk about mindset and other pitfalls and challenges (as well as success and growth) in the business world. So, sit back, get out your pen and paper (or tablet), take notes and increase your opportunity for business success for yourself!

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Need help to get your business moving? Grab a copy of Nancy’s Uplevel Your Productivity

Learn how Nancy can help you SOAR HIGHER in your business! www.businesssuccessunlimited.com

Want to be featured on an upcoming podcast? Let’s talk!