“Whatever you are trying to sell, storytelling is the most powerful thing you can do. Most of the best business ideas come from personal experiences.” (from Jack Preston’s blog post about Virgin Media Pioneers’ Pitch to Rich competition)

In today’s episode, Tom Jackobs, of Impact Pilot, tells us a story about how he became a better business person and in the process learned what he calls the secret to great sales: storytelling. When you tell a story you are able to put your listeners in your shoes (and you theirs) so that a picture can be drawn and the potential buyer can actually see why he or she needs what you have to offer.

Tom is giving us a wonderful gift today on top of that great conversation. If you go to: www.TomJackobs.com/storybook there is a free worksheet on how to create your authentic hero story – the first stage in the sales process.

Connect with Tom here:


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