"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." -Zig Ziglar

You can’t be in business without being in sales. But that dreaded (for most of us) word doesn’t have to mean the old fashioned, push your program into someone’s hands whether they want it or not. Today, its more about creating relationships that focus on helping others. No longer does a person line up to find the perfect salesman; instead thanks to the Internet, the buyer is large and in charge. They know everything before they even start to look for the right item to buy. So, that makes the sale become an entirely different scenario.

According to Michael Furey, Founder of 24 Hour Sales Coach, “you don’t need to know sales, you just need to know people.” And that seems to be his philosophy overall. By understanding people, what they want, and how you can help them, with care, consideration and confidence, you will move ahead.

Listen in as he shares his thoughts.

Learn more about Michael here:


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