“Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price” —Vince Lombardi

You’ve got a great job making good money, but something tells you it’s not enough. It’s not what you’re looking for. You want different. More. Something. It’s time to start out on your own and become a BOSS. But there are so many things that can hold you back? What do you do? Our conversation today is with Claire Chandler of Talent Boost, a company that helps business leaders achieve financial and people stability. Listen as she shares with us her thoughts on “The Whirlpool Effect” and other strategic leadership strategies.

Her email is: [email protected] and her website is www.talentboost.net

As always, you can reach me at: nancy@don’twaittilpigsfly.com; www.facebook.com/bsuflyingpigs; www.linkedin.com/in/smallbizjunkie or call me at 269-319-6041.

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