This week we meet with Gabriel Dunston and talk about his books Purgatory Pub 1&2, the Raleigh Stay at Home Comic Dad’s with 6-8 year old Daughters Coffee Club, and…

This week we meet with Gabriel Dunston and talk about his books Purgatory Pub 1&2, the Raleigh Stay at Home Comic Dad’s with 6-8 year old Daughters Coffee Club, and his upcoming art book Stuff and Things with the Kickstarter beginning on Monday January 30th!


Alex: Valiant Quantum and Woody/ The Death Defying Doctor Mirage

Collin:Niel Brennan Three Mikes

Chris:The White Rabbit Project

Gabriel: J.R. Mounts/ Chris Wharton/ Max Miller Dowdle

Check out Gabriel’s website!

Check out Gabe on YouTube!

The Purgatory Pub website!

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