Megan Miller is The El Nino of Spanish Coaching. For those of you that don't habla espanol, El Nino is Spanish for... The Nino ;) Megan is a word nerd and loves everything about communication: whether that's using her communication skills as a freelance IT project manager, helping others communicate the best they can in Spanish or English, and making sure that translated documents don't lose their spark or uniqueness when going from one language to another. We talk about how she used to translate 'nerd speak' to language for the rest of the company, and how that's been used to pivot into her dream of becoming an entrepreneur and Spanish coach. Combining a blend of being book smart with being street smart, her approach to language coaching is one that's tuned to each of her clients unique background, and helps them be able to communicate at any level. If you're down to 'esharpen your Espanol', Megan's your gal. 

Find out more about Megan below: 

@Aprovechar Language Solutions - Instagram, LinkedIn - website

And as always... enjoy the listen.


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