Today's guest is Jane Tabachnick, Founder of Simply Good Press. She shares with me how she describes herself as a 'recovering fashion designer' who realized the power that public relations had on her career. With strategy and a little bit of elbow grease, she found herself getting opportunities to talk with big people in the fashion space, who by then had already heard of her. She loved that aspect of the work so much that she pivoted to do that full time. Now she's helping her clients get a lot more visibility. In her career she struggled with figuring out a business model and how to get recurring revenue--which is a challenge for a lot of us too--but she's figuring it out. Constantly surrounding herself with people who have been further down the path of entrepreneurship has helped her tremendously, and it goes right in line with her advice at the end of the episode. Find Jane at, and while you're there take her fun and free assessment to see how visible YOU are. Episode's already going, let's jump in now. 


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