It's not often that we look back on our entrepreneurial heritage and know why it is we have the spark to start a business. But today's guest knows exactly what, and who, put that spark in her. Hanieh Sigari shared an amazing story about how growing up in Iran, her mother was incredibly influential. After nearly being executed, her mother was presented with an opportunity to help girls get back on their feet, and make a living after being taught a skill. The Iran-Iraq war happening soon after gave them plenty to work on, and each girl was paid for their work. Hanieh's mother was able to influence the lives of hundreds of girls and help them live by the work of their own hands. And that's what clinched it. Today, Hanieh is a serial entrepreneur, having started multiple ventures and taking what she's learned from each, to create a sizable enterprise focused on high grade and customized skin care. Qyral is the culmination of all the influence she's had from as far back as a young girl in Iran. What a cool mom, and what a cool story! Find more about Hanieh and Qyral by visiting, qyralskincare on Instagram, or emailing her directly at [email protected]. You're gonna love this story happening right now. 


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