Frederick had some events happen in life that hit him hard, right in the mental health. But instead of letting it get him down, he used it to fuel his mission. Soon after recovery he realized: there needed to be someone that could advocate for people who struggle in the same way, and -in- a way that resonates with them. None of this high flying double talk and putting on airs of superiority, it's deep connecting with people and letting them know: hey I've been there too. He started The Message LLC as a public speaker, talking with schools about why America is unhealthy, and more recently, how the pandemic has uncovered things about how we handle mental health that society can't sweep under the rug. When stigma outweighs education, destigmatizing this subject is the key to change. Frederick does that. If you're concerned about mental health, find out more about his mission by visiting, or finding him on LinkedIn and Instagram. Let's listen to the journey now. 


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