Emma is a business owner. And she has a full time job. And she's also a mom. "How the heck," you might ask, "is that possible?" Well it has a lot to do with time management, discipline, and laser-like efficiency on where your energy is spent. Fortunately for her, her business is all about building processes for her clients and helping them be efficient too, so it's not a far stretch. 

If you're a single mom wondering if starting a business is possible for you, you should give this a listen. Or if you're not but still interested in taking your first steps down the entrepreneurial path: same. Expect to get some cool insights. 

Find Emma on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/emmaferrick, on the intertubes at www.elfoperations.com or on Facebook at  www.facebook.com/elfoperations.

Enjoy the listen. 


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