Got introduced to today's guest by a mutual friend and former podcast guest. Dr. Denise Dennis is a marketing automation guru who started her company Action Accelerated after a surge of people kept asking her about her process and how she gets webinars set up. From there it's become a series of projects helping fellow coaches automate big chunks of their process, so they can free up more time and help more people. There's always some way to get a little more efficient and start getting a return on your time investment, especially if coaches are feeling overwhelmed. She shares with me what the journey's been like, what she's learned about herself and some principles of building the know/like/trust factor using some established tools. Dr. Denise has a heart to serve others, and has some free resources out at where you can find what 25 things you should automate in your process. Or reach out to her by visiting her website, If you're a business or leadership coach feeling like you're chasing your tail and not making much progress, might be time to get some automation in place somewhere. Let's listen in now. 


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