I am so excited to introduce to you today my spiritual mentor, Sarah Proffitt. Sarah and I have been working together for the past 6 months + in that time she has helped me through some of the most CHALLENGING times in my life/biz this year. I am so grateful for her + her gifts. She's taught me Reiki, energy work, healing + she's held such beautiful space for me in our time together. In this episode we cover A LOT! Everything from Sarah's spiritual journey, honing her gifts, the dualities of the universe, dark energy, masculine/feminine energies, honouring your intuition + we even get some questions answered for the women inside the wellness community Sarah + I belong to. This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Sarah Proffitt is a spiritual advisor who lead others in creating their own spiritual practices, connect to the divine spirit within, so that they can release their gifts into the world.

Connect with Sarah here:


Connect with Kiki Here:







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