Previous Episode: It Rained In Rome

The truth is—magic lives in all of us who choose to look for it.

It lives in the morning in the springtime in Paris, it’s in the smell of the world after the rain, or a stormy afternoon in bed on a Sunday, it’s in warm sweaters and a lovers’ nook, it’s in those sad days that never end, and the happy days that end too soon.

It’s in every spicy margarita or bathtub with rosé, it’s in good books and Spanish beaches, it’s the sun warming cheeks through the clouds, it’s in that quiet forest where the trees sway or the way the lake reflects the moon.

It’s in art; it’s in music, it’s in words. It’s in you and it’s in me and any of us that choose to find it. For the greatest truth about magic… is that it’s true.

xx Atticus


Other poems read today:

"Simplicity" by Emily Dickinson"This is Leisure" by William Henry Davies"This is Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas