I was so blown away by the courage and wisdom of today’s guest.  And just straight up fascinated by her personal story.  Joselin Linder is caring an extremely rare gene that has killed several members of her family for generations, and has only recently begun to be understood.  

Joselin lives every day with an acute certainty of her own death.  She watched her dad’s untimely, and painful, death from this “mystery” illness, before digging into the science of it herself.  Through her own investigation, and the writing of her book The Family Gene, she’s helping to bring awareness, research, and insight to the world of genetics in the human experience.  

Her story takes us beyond scientific laboratories, and into our own everyday understanding.  And, wow, it’s fascinating, important, and hopeful.

Joselin Linder is a regular contributor to the NEW YORK POST, whose work has also been featured on THIS AMERICAN LIFE, MORNING EDITION and LIFE OF THE LAW. She spoke at the TEDX GOWANUS event in Brooklyn in 2014, presenting for the first time on the subject of her family gene and the deadly illness to which it leads. Exclusive to just fourteen people, the story of the gene is told in Linder’s new book, THE FAMILY GENE. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two dogs.

We talk about:

Basic genetics and why it’s crucial that we all pay attention What it’s like to live as a “ticking time bomb,” with a deadly gene Death and dying, and how to manage the fear (and beauty) Living your actual “bucket list” starting right now Genetics and ethics for all of us When Jim Parsons (of Big Bang Theory) calls you about your book…

For more on Joselin (and to read her book!), check these out:

Grab her book, The Family Gene HERE The Family Gene book trailer HERE Her TEDX Talk  HERE   

Other Resources Mentioned:

How to Handle Stress During the Holidays (and always) RadioLab on CRISPR Technology The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

More from ME:

Come hang out in my FREE Facebook Community for deeper conversations and connections with other awesome women

Ready for better relationships? Get started now with FREE book chapters of Naked Communication HERE.

The ASK Formula Cheat Sheet:  How to ask for what you want… and get it.  http://www.sagebhobbs.com/ask-formula-cheat-sheet/

And a favor from YOU:

Like what you hear? If SO, be sure to subscribe to Naked Conversations on iTunes. Or Stitcher. Or Google Play. Or any of the following – OvercastBlubbryTuneIn RadioPlayer.fm.

For (SUPER DUPER appreciated) gold stars: Leave me a rating + review!  Just a few short words will help MORE amazing women find the show.  Thank you :)

I was so blown away by the courage and wisdom of today’s guest.  And just straight up fascinated by her personal story.  Joselin Linder is caring an extremely rare gene that has killed several members of her family for generations, and has only recently begun to be understood.  

Joselin lives every day with an acute certainty of her own death.  She watched her dad’s untimely, and painful, death from this “mystery” illness, before digging into the science of it herself.  Through her own investigation, and the writing of her book The Family Gene, she’s helping to bring awareness, research, and insight to the world of genetics in the human experience.  

Her story takes us beyond scientific laboratories, and into our own everyday understanding.  And, wow, it’s fascinating, important, and hopeful.

Joselin Linder is a regular contributor to the NEW YORK POST, whose work has also been featured on THIS AMERICAN LIFE, MORNING EDITION and LIFE OF THE LAW. She spoke at the TEDX GOWANUS event in Brooklyn in 2014, presenting for the first time on the subject of her family gene and the deadly illness to which it leads. Exclusive to just fourteen people, the story of the gene is told in Linder’s new book, THE FAMILY GENE. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two dogs.

We talk about:

Basic genetics and why it’s crucial that we all pay attention What it’s like to live as a “ticking time bomb,” with a deadly gene Death and dying, and how to manage the fear (and beauty) Living your actual “bucket list” starting right now Genetics and ethics for all of us When Jim Parsons (of Big Bang Theory) calls you about your book…

For more on Joselin (and to read her book!), check these out:

Grab her book, The Family Gene HERE The Family Gene book trailer HERE Her TEDX Talk  HERE   

Other Resources Mentioned:

How to Handle Stress During the Holidays (and always) RadioLab on CRISPR Technology The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

More from ME:

Come hang out in my FREE Facebook Community for deeper conversations and connections with other awesome women

Ready for better relationships? Get started now with FREE book chapters of Naked Communication HERE.

The ASK Formula Cheat Sheet:  How to ask for what you want… and get it.  http://www.sagebhobbs.com/ask-formula-cheat-sheet/

And a favor from YOU:

Like what you hear? If SO, be sure to subscribe to Naked Conversations on iTunes. Or Stitcher. Or Google Play. Or any of the following – OvercastBlubbryTuneIn RadioPlayer.fm.

For (SUPER DUPER appreciated) gold stars: Leave me a rating + review!  Just a few short words will help MORE amazing women find the show.  Thank you :)