Shahira Hemeda is the founder of NŪR, a platform dedicated to mindfulness for the Arab world. It’s mission is to allow you to discover, understand and benefit from the healing process of meditation. But Shahira hasn’t always been an entrepreneur. She had a successful media and advertising career, before experiencing a massive shift in her own wellness and mental health. She was compelled to share her experience with friends and family, but was soon met with confusion and a lack of online support for mental health in the MENA region.

Shahira set out to navigate the lonely struggles of mental health and the toll it can take on the entire family. This motivated her to take on the mission to offer easily accessible tools and mental health support. She joins NAKED to talk about her personal mental health story, her journey to creating NŪR, and mindfulness in the Arab world.

Specific topics covered in this episode include:

The lack of mental health support in the Arab world;
Multi-generational experiences of mental health;
The benefits of self-healing practices and meditation.

Show notes

Connect with Shahira: LinkedIn

For more about NŪR: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

Download NŪR on the App Store and Google Play

Reading materials:

Meet Social Impact Entrepreneur Shahira Hemeda | Women of Egypt
Rumi’s Book of Poems
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment | Eckhart Tolle
Solve for Happy | Mo Gawdat
12 Rules For Life | Jordan Peterson
The Prophet | Khalil Gibran
Podcast On Purpose | Jay Shetty
Diary of a CEO | Steven Bartlett
Super Soul | Oprah
Masters of Scale | Reid Hoffman