End of Season 3

This episode marks the end of the third year since we started this podcast. 
It’s been an amazing run so far and we are especially grateful to our listeners who have made this ride with us.

We kick things off looking back at the season, highlighting favourite episodes like our interviews, movie reviews with the audience, talking about heroes and sidekicks. We also remember moments like the Heirachy changing news, Dapo’s apology to Taylor Swift fans amongst so many others. Let us know your favourites.

We also continue to review Loki. A show we’ve accepted the quality for what it is and try to enjoy the banter. We move on to Gen V and discuss in-depth what we liked and didn’t, whether the parody actually lands this time around and various plot points

We finish up with speculating on the new Ultimate Universe, with covers and blurbs released on Spiderman and Thor. 
We have a fun time discussing this. Let us know how you think the shows will play out 

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