Many business owners can be locked in a spiritual battle without even realizing it. Today, I’ll explain how to identify and solve this common problem.
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Today I’m back to bring you part two of our Entrepreneurial Purpose series. Last time, we talked about the importance of being an entrepreneur. If you haven’t already, go check out the first part here.

Now, let’s dive into today’s topic. I want you to ask yourself right now if you’re locked in a spiritual battle with your business. The bottom line is that if you run a company, you’re going to encounter issues. This can be everything from marketplace and industry changes to employee turnover, and more. But one issue that often goes overlooked in any business is what’s happening deep inside of the heart of the owner.

Beyond all the other issues you might be dealing with, things going on in your heart and mind could have a huge impact on your company. So, ask yourself: Are you depressed? Are you having feelings of despair? Is there a lot of fear in your heart about where you’re headed? Are you tired and burnt out?

All of these feelings can destroy your energy, creativity, and your ability to strategize. Feeling these things can also destroy the hope that anything you’re doing will have an impact. When this happens, you go into “survival mode.” You aren’t doing much beyond simply trying to make it through.

This goes back to the dark glasses I mentioned in part one. The things going on in your heart and mind may be distorting your view of what’s actually occurring within your business. But, why do these things happen to business owners? I personally believe that business owners can get caught up in a spiritual battle without even realizing it.

Before I explain what I mean, I want to make something clear: It’s my opinion that if you’re in a “sin business” or if your business preys on people and their money, nothing I talk about in this series will do you any good. If taking advantage of people is the way you’re doing business, calamity is going to be at your door sooner than later.

So, how can you tell if you’re locked in a spiritual battle as a business owner? There are a few signs. Maybe you’re feeling short-fused, unable to shake a sensation of frustration, and overwhelmed with paralyzing fear and anxiety. If any of these are the case for you as a business owner, there’s a good chance you’re locked in a spiritual battle.

But you should know this: what you do is important to God, and He wants you to succeed. He wants you to have a positive impact on your community by giving opportunity to your employees and their families. He wants you to inspire young entrepreneurs. He may even want you to rescue people in poverty who just can’t seem to get ahead. God might be looking at you as being the source for bringing his love and energy to the marketplace.
What you do is important to God, and He wants you to succeed. That being said, there is evil in the world. We see the good and evil around us every day. This evil is God’s enemy, and the evil side of life wants you to feel defeated, despaired, and living so miserably that you’re unable to see the opportunities God has given you. If you’re working hard to run an ethical company with honor, integrity, and the right principles, you can be sure the Devil is going to want to keep you from being successful. On the other side of the coin, you cannot expect good things from operating on the dark side of business. Calamity will come and the money you might make simply is not worth it.

But, if God wants your business to be a beacon of hope and you are locked in a spiritual battle, there is a way out. Oppression, disrespect, greed, and anger in your environment are all symptoms of a spiritual battle.

Another example of the battle of good and evil influencing your company and life is if you as an owner are working so hard to drive your company that you’ve basically abandoned your family. God wants you to run a good company, but he wants you to love and care for your spouse and family too. He does not want you to run a company at the expense of those you love.

So, what does God want out of your company? First of all, he wants a godly atmosphere. The speech of the office should be healthy, instead of wrapped up in gossip and negativity. God wants you to provide opportunities and leadership, so that your employees can someday go out in the marketplace and make an impact like you have. He wants you to serve your customers and provide value in such a way that they know you have their back.

We know that God’s spirit stands for love, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. These are all the key to knowing you’re on the right track. But this doesn’t mean you need to be soft on discipline and not hold people accountable, or that you shouldn’t have standards of performance. You should expect the people who work for you to do their best.

I can tell you from my 38 years of business that the people who run their companies the way I’m talking about will attract blessings. It’s basically the spiritual law of physics.

Now we’ve talked about the good, but what about the evil? God’s enemy will try to set you up to fail. He’ll feed your mind with lies and get you to a point where you start making mistakes and bad decisions. Don’t fall for this deceit. Evil forces will manufacture turmoil that will hurt you, your workers, and your business. The bad decisions that can come from this could hurt your business, your family, and your life. This is the environment of the Devil.

But, if you can overcome a spiritual battle in your business by following a godly path, success and joy will come to your life and the lives of those in your business.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.