In this episode join us as we speak with Edie Moore, founding member and executive Director of Chicago Norml. Today we are discussing the legalization of Cannabis. We discuss general Cannabis knowledge, common questions and the potential business opportunities of the new industry. 

Edie discusses the work she has done to educate people on the recreational and medical use of cannabis and what will happen to those who are currently incarcerated due to cannabis-related crimes in light of legalization. 

Edie explains some of the health benefits of CBD, particularly for women, including pain treatment and migraines. She also explains why it has taken so long for legalization to take place in the state of Illinois. We explore the issues associated with Cannabis still being illegal on a federal level and the efforts Edie and others are making to pressure the government to legalize Cannabis nationally. 

We discuss the new business opportunities that are opening up to black people in our community as a result of recreational legalization. We discuss the pros and cons of legalization in Chicago including the potential for increased tourism. We also examine where the tax revenue from the legal Cannabis market might be used to improve our community. 

About Chicago NORML

Chicago NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high-quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.

Our chapter further strives to educate and motivate undeserved, underrepresented and over-policed communities to de-stigmatize and accept the cannabis plant as a vehicle for political, economic, and health & wellness empowerment.


Edie Moore

Founding Board Member & Executive Director of Chicago Norml


Executive Producer - N'DIGO Studio

Audio Director - Erik Hammond - Clear Vision Multi Media

Producer - Joi Mitchell

Audio Editor - Scott Stronach - Soundmind Editing


