M2 + Macroverse Founders/Writers/Directors Adam Martin + Eben Matthews go free form to chat about what we've done, what we want to do and why are we doing all this stuff anyway!!!??? Than we do a little song about it ☺️🤪😱

PLUS project updates and more geek/nerd talk!


DeadTown: 'Breakout' Season 2 is LIVE on Yarn!!! 💀🚀🔥
👉 Check it out > iwth.app.link/cbt5dAmIhO
• Seasons 3 and 4 are written, in production and scheduled for release in early October!

• 🥂 Breakout is at 2.4 MILLION Views and counting!!! 🥂
• 💀 DeadTown Episode #8 is live on Macroverse > l.ead.me/M2App
• Art for Episode 9 is done and being prepped to go live
• 🤯 Doing tons of new work on Yarn and can't wait to be able to officially announce it!

DeadTown: 'Rise' Episodes #1 - 8 are LIVE on Macroverse. Download and read for FREE! Get the Macroverse App : www.Macroverse.media
👉 iOS: apple.co/2CaInsG | Android: bit.ly/2EuxlfL

A curated selection of work has launched on the R.A.R.E Digital Art Collectibles platform - powered by Blockchain and empowering true collectibility and value for digital assets. It's pretty COOL!
👉 www.rareart.io
👉 https://dapp.rareart.io/artworks/M2


Adam: Wrapping Future Man Season 2
👉 Catch up: https://www.hulu.com/series/future-man-6771f12e-3195-4844-b489-f21732aa789b

Eben: Simulacra App/Game
👉 http://www.playsimulacra.com/simulacra.html
👉 iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/simulacra/id1252035454?mt=8
👉 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kaigan.simulacra&hl=en

Please subscribe to this show and drop us a rating and review wherever you listen. It helps a ton!

🤘You can see more of what we're up to here:

www.M2.ninja | www.Macroverse.media




Our intro/outro audio is by composer, extraordinaire Brandon Visel - Hire him! www.brandonvisel.com