This episode Abi and Sarah tackle the enigma of Hades, God of the Underworld! We know, we know: he’s the god of the underworld and in some ways not such an enigma. Poor old Hades has been a bit pigeon-holed as another Prince of Hell or God of Death over the centuries. Let’s not rob either the Devil or the Grim Reaper of their jobs, people - it’s a tough market as it is. Instead of fetching us from our deathbeds, Hades is our keeper as we join the millions of people who’ve gone before us, and he’s frankly too busy as CEO of life everafter to think about punishing us for our sins. He appointed someone else for that. Join us for a whirlwind tour through the importance of Hades in the ancient world and some cracking modern interpretations of him. Expect Disney’s Hercules references, some fun Hades myths from the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, and the Chair of Forgetfulness.

*Contains sensitive content*