The Baurora adventure continues--there's kissing, there's body swapping, there's a giant crocodile monster... wait, is this a classic 90s RomCom? Best be on your toes while listening to this one, because something strange is afoot!
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Shamanda Felt: Rashawn Nadine Scott @rashawnscott
Adam Miller: Jeff Murdoch @jmurdoink
Krashlee Grenadine: Erin Rein @thaterinrein
Susan Wexler: Claire Linic @clairelinic
CEJ/Derrk Phlifer: Alan Linic @alanlinic
Everybody else: Tyler Samples @tlrsmpls

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The Baurora adventure continues--there's kissing, there's body swapping, there's a giant crocodile monster... wait, is this a classic 90s RomCom? Best be on your toes while listening to this one, because something strange is afoot!


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Find us on Instagram and Twitter! @mysterycounty

Shamanda Felt: Rashawn Nadine Scott @rashawnscott

Adam Miller: Jeff Murdoch @jmurdoink

Krashlee Grenadine: Erin Rein @thaterinrein

Susan Wexler: Claire Linic @clairelinic

CEJ/Derrk Phlifer: Alan Linic @alanlinic

Everybody else: Tyler Samples @tlrsmpls

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