Alex welcomes Derek O. Hanley to the show to discuss Derek's photography project, which began as a way to document the experiences of medics and evolved into a way to capture the emotions of the pandemic. Derek shared how his background as a medic and his family's history of photography helped him gain access to the medics and capture intimate moments. He also discusses how he had to remain emotionally detached in order to capture the moments.

Hanley discussed the emotional turmoil of being a medic and the need to humanize the profession in order to increase empathy and respect. He also discussed the unique challenges of the pandemic, such as the lack of protective equipment and the risk of bringing the virus home to family. He chose to use black and white photography to add gravitas and to focus on the emotional state of the subject. Don't miss this one!

Learn more about Derek O. Hanley at Buy the book: PHOTOS FROM THE FRONT LINES.

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This Mysterious Goings On Podcast episode was recorded and mixed at Green Shebeen Studios in beautiful Kansas City, Missouri. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. No reproduction, excerpting, or other use without written permission.

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