Robert Marking speaks with us today about his revolutionary Pure Harmony Fitness Pendant and all of its amazing benefits. On today’s podcast, you will learn: How a UFC fighter got two knockouts in a row after using Robert’s tips How trauma and impact from working out can be transferred into positive energy How Robert helps people improve workout performance and easily improve their fitness How to get faster (and almost no) recovery and soreness after workouts Robert Marking's Bio: Robert Marking is 55 years young and has been a nutritional consultant for the last 27 years working with elite athletes, world champions, and clients in the areas of energy medicine, anti-aging, sports performance, weight management, internal cleansing and detoxification, nootropics and food sensitivities. In 1999, he began incorporating applied kinesiology in his practice to help detect hidden food allergies and sensitivities. He invented Pure Harmony Pendants that helps to harmonize one’s energy field to improve performance, energy, brain function, and protect the body from EMF and much more. Try a Fitness Pendant for yourself and see its incredible results! Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at