Eileen Durfee discusses hydration tips, and what you need to know about salt to properly hydrate your body.

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

Why you constantly go to the bathroom and wake up to pee. We have the solution! Why you want to skip Himalayan salt to meet your mineral needs. And why Himalayan salt causes acidity. The type of salt that has the highest mineral content in the world (25% minerals) - most salts have 1% minerals How to monitor if you’re getting enough minerals The type of light that hydrates you to increase EZ (exclusion zone) water

Eileen Durfee's Bio:
Former Nuclear Power Engineer, Auditor, and Inspector, Eileen Durfee, became toxic and suffered from allergies, chemical sensitivities, and thyroid disease. During her journey to heal, detoxify and achieve natural health she invented helpful solutions.

Eileen is passionate about taking good ideas and creating better health products to support detoxification, energy production, mineralization, and natural health. She was granted 1 utility patent, has 7 patents pending, and is writing a self-help book to fix the 100 Billion a year low back pain problem.


To learn more about Healthy Salt and purchase a bottle Click Here! 


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