Michelle Segar joins the show to explain how you can finally achieve lasting changes in eating and exercise by using an easy and proven method called, The Joy Choice. As many of us know, it’s easy to fall off the wagon when it comes to dieting and exercise. We put so much pressure on ourselves to keep up with the plans we set in place, that often times it backfires, causing us to give up on the things we originally set out to achieve. Well in this podcast Michelle explains exactly how to prevent this from happening, explaining the main emotional and psychological TRAPs, and the amazing tips and strategies used in her Joy Choice.


On today’s podcast, you will learn:

Most common assumptions about habit formation. How to support your brain in making conscious choices. How to create lifelong healthy habits! Why you must break down an all or nothing mentality. How choosing perfect imperfect options can create success in eating and exercise. Why we must shift our thoughts about eating and exercise away from weight loss. Two key factors in staying consistently motivated. Michelle’s awesome decision making tool called POP. The four primary emotional and psychological “TRAPs”.


Michelle Segar's Bio:

Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH, MS is an award-winning, NIH-funded sustainable behavior change researcher at the University of Michigan and a lifestyle coach. For nearly three decades, she has pioneered methods to create sustainable healthy behavior change that are being used to boost patient health, employee well-being, and gym membership retention.

As a psychologist who aims to contribute toward societal-level change, Michelle was honored to be named inaugural chair of the United States National Physical Activity Plans Communication Committee, an adviser to the Department of Health and Human Services, a speaker for the World Health Organization and director of the University of Michigan's Sports, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center.

She is an advisor to leading global organizations and frequently interviewed in major media outlets like The New York Times, NPR, Prevention, Real Simple and The Wall Street Journal. Michelle is a sought-after speaker and trainer and lives with her husband and son in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

You can learn more about Michelle and her work at michellesegar.com

Don't forget to take her amazing TRAPs quiz, to find out the four decision TRAPs that are most likely getting in your way! Click here!

And pick up a copy of Michelle's incredible book The Joy Choice. Click here!

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Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.