Misty Williams joins us to discuss one of the most, if not the most important thing for health and vitality..sleep! Tune in to learn why you might be having trouble sleeping, and how you can begin sleeping like you've always wanted!

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

Low hormones equals poor sleep How parasites are a big factor in night waking Why your angry liver is waking you up Why a sleep mask is not enough to ensure sound sleep - and what more you can do to insure a restful sleep

Misty William's Bio:
Misty Williams spent years struggling to reclaim her health and vitality after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. Life-threatening complications and an endometriosis diagnosis sent her into a brain fog and fatigue tailspin.

Her doctor told her that the only remedies for her issues were drugs and surgeries, that her labs were normal and she could google to learn more about what was happening to her body.

At 35 years old, Misty embarked on the fight for her quality of life, enduring many more challenges on her road to healing, including an unexplained 45-lb weight gain, debilitating brain fog, fatigue, hypothyroidism, and premature ovarian failure.

She founded HealingRosie.com to provide high-performing women with the resources and community to successfully confront the unexpected chronic health issues that women often experienced as they age.

You can learn more about Misty and her work at healingrosie.com

Make sure to sign up for Misty's Your Best Sleep Ever Summit FREE from March 16-22, 2020! Learn from top sleep experts everything you need to know to start sleeping your best! Click here! 

Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at heavymetalsquiz.com