Dr. Summer Beattie joins the show to talk about neural therapy injections for pain, detoxification and regenerative therapy. Dr. Beattie discusses how neural therapy can help with detox, stimulating your liver and lymphatic flow, and how it can address the root causes of pain including emotional trauma!

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

How neural therapy can enhance detox - especially if you feel like you’re not progressing on your detox journey. Neural therapy’s use in stimulating liver function and lymphatic flow. How neural therapy can greatly help with pain, scarring, and other pelvic floor and reproductive issues. How neural therapy can get to the root cause of pain when other methods fall short. Neural therapy serves as a form of energetic therapy that can release emotional traumas, scars, and other energetic blocks that are preventing good health outcomes. Who should and shouldn’t get neural therapy.

Dr. Summer Beattie's Bio:
Dr. Summer Beattie is a Naturopathic Physician. Born and raised in Alaska, she completed her undergraduate Bachelor degree in Exercise Science at La Sierra University in California, and in 2004 received her graduate degree as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at Seattle’s Bastyr University.

Beattie pursued training with physicians and organizations setting the standard of care in Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Beattie founded One Living as a platform for collaborative practitioners to share their expertise in an intimate and hands-on setting. The focus of classes has been on teaching physicians how to best use Regenerative Injection Therapies for orthopaedic, aesthetic, sexual health and wellness needs.

Some of Dr. Beatties favorite injection modalities include the use of neural therapy, prolotherapy, prolozone, PRP, peptide and biologics. Other key tools of her practice include IV therapy, hormone optimization and photodynamic therapies.

You can learn more about her work and consult with Dr Beattie at https://www.onelivingclinic.com

Make sure to check out her Facebook and Instagram socials under Dr. Summer Beattie and One Living Clinic


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Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.