James Templeton joins us today to discuss his new book I Used To Have Cancer, and all the tricks he used along his journey to beating the disease.

On today’s podcast, you will learn:
1. Tips for beating cancer and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
2. The best diets for people with cancer
3. The best supplements and protocols for fighting cancer
4. The health issues you should address first to prevent and beat cancer

James Templeton's Bio:
A fifth generation Texan, James Templeton tapped into his fighting spirit and became an over 30-year cancer survivor who healed himself from a terminal diagnosis with the use of alternative medicine and healing modalities.

As the visionary founder of Uni Key Health Systems and the Templeton Wellness Foundation, James has since utilized his wisdom and experience to helping others achieve optimum health and wellness. His latest book, I USED TO HAVE CANCER How I Found My Own Way Back To Health (Square One, April 2019) is his memoir chronicling his amazing journey back to health. He is also the co-author of Your Body Knows Best.

Now a resident of the Pacific Northwest, James dedicates much of his time to living a healthy lifestyle and inspiring others to do the same. He also enjoys outdoor activities and spending time with family and friends.

You can learn more about James and pre-order his book at Click Here!

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