Inna Topiler Mooney joins me to discuss why heavy metals are a large contributing factor to thyroid issues like Hashimoto's, and her upcoming Overcoming Hashimoto's Summit.

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

How copper toxicity impacts thyroid function (and promotes candida infections) All the causative factors that promote developments of Hashimoto’s, and the most important ones to address first How you can reverse Hashimoto's naturally by following the world's top experts in the field of Hashimoto's and thyroid recovery.

Inna Topiler Mooney Bio:
Inna Topiler Mooney is a certified clinical nutritionist practicing a functional medicine approach to health. She holds a masters degree in Human Nutrition and is certified with the ACN, CBNS and AADP.

Inna has been featured in various publications such as Fitness, Elle and the New York Times and is often referred by medical doctors who seek her help not only in New York, but also nationally and internationally.

She is the Founder of Complete Nutrition and Wellness, an integrative nutrition practice, and the host of the Health Mysteries Solved Podcast. Inna is also the Co-Founder of Pregnaceuticals, a prenatal nutrition line.

She completed a masters program in human nutrition, and became certified as a nutrition specialist by the American College of Nutrition.

Since starting her practice in 2006, she has helped thousands of patients all over the globe get to the root of their underlying health issues and reclaim their health.

You can learn more about Inna and her work at

Listen to Inna's Health Mystery Solved Podcast at

Click Here to join the free Overcoming Hashimotos Summit! 

Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at