Melissa Gallico joins us to distill her extensive knowledge of fluoride, why water is still being fluorinated, hidden sources of fluoride, and all of its health impacts.

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

Fluoride toxicity symptoms, including acne, teeth spots and more. Why reactions to iodine supplements are really fluoride detox symptoms. Why fluoride is still being added to water. Why your water filters likely is not filtering fluoride. Sources of fluoride besides water.

Melissa Gallico's Bio:
Melissa Gallico is a former military intelligence officer, FBI analyst, and Fulbright scholar to the United Kingdom. As host of the #Fpollution podcast, she follows a paper trail of documentary evidence including declassified government memos, internal industry communications, and legal filings to show how corporate polluters corrupted the science on the safety of long term, low dose fluoride exposure.

Gallico is also author of The Hidden Cause of Acne: How Toxic Water is Affecting Your Health and What You Can Do About It published in May 2018 by Healing Arts Press with a foreword by Stephen Harrod Buhner. She has a degree in science and technology in international affairs (STIA) from Georgetown University and a master's degree in international security studies from the University of St. Andrews.

You can learn more about Melissa's book The Hidden Causes of Acne, and take her 30 day challenge at

Don't forget to tune into her podcast #Fpollution at

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