Susan Morley comes on the show to give us quarantined parents some much needed strategies for creating routines and structure that will keep the family dynamic positive and productive during our time at home.

On today’s podcast, you will learn:

How to manage the social and emotional well-being of little ones, elementary kids, tweens, and teens. Why you shouldn’t feel guilty (and even feel good) about screen time at this moment. How we can best create boundaries and family routines and rules. Tips on discipline. How a parent can handle children who are angry and agitated. Susan’s FREE Parenting during a pandemic course.

Susan Morley Bio:
Susan makes being a mom easier. She teaches moms how to be in control without being controlling. Susan uses her certifications in education, parenting, recovery, and Whole30 to help moms in every aspect of parenting.

Pick up Susan's amazing FREE Parenting During a Pandemic Course at

To listen to the Coronavirus Support Series go to

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