Irene Ghobrial, MD of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Ivan Borrello, MD of Johns Hopkins are leading the largest study on precursor myeloma conditions that will include 50,000 patients and family members. The goal of the study is to detect myeloma early and see why and how patients who have MGUS and smoldering myeloma progress to active myeloma. The study is also seeking to understand the genetic, molecular and immune factors that lead to disease progression with the hope that this knowledge could stop disease progression and improve survival with effective strategies.  

If you are African American or family member of a myeloma patient between the ages of 40-75, it's time to join this important study, which requires no travel. These two groups are involved in the study because they are more likely to develop into active myeloma. The Dream Team will study this group in an effort to define biological characteristics that will help to identify which patients will benefit from particular therapies. These biological characteristics include inherited mutations, acquired mutations, and immune factors. The Dream Team will also identify lifestyle and demographic factors that contribute to disease progression, such as obesity and race.

The PROMISE study is funded by Stand Up To Cancer, who has provided a $10 million award to the Myeloma Stand Up To Cancer Dream Team focused on revolutionizing the treatment of multiple myeloma through detection of early conditions before they turn into full-blown disease. 

Learn more about how you and your family members can join!

Thanks to our episode sponsor, Karyopharm Therapeutics