About 10-20% of multiple myeloma patients will develop a condition called amyloidosis during the course of their disease. Amyloidosis is a disease caused by protein buildup in organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver or intestines, leading to organ damage and complications associated with some multiple myeloma treatments. There are three major types of amyloidosis: primary, secondary, and hereditary.  Each type of amyloidosis is classified by its underlying causes and the type of protein that accumulates in organs.

Primary amyloidosis is the most common form and occurs with multiple myeloma. The cause is unknown but the disease starts in the bone marrow. Fragments of abnormal antibodies (called light chains) stick to each other and accumulate in organs in the body.

Heather Landau, MD of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center joins us for this episode of Myeloma Crowd Radio to discuss the latest therapies and clinical trials for amyloidosis patients.

Thanks to our episode sponsor, Takeda Oncology