Here is a campaign commercial from 1952.  It helped Dwight Eisenhower… better known as Ike… become President Eisenhower.


So I ask… why can’t they sing the commercials for the Utah Senate race.  Instead we get millions and millions of dollars of fear and loathing.

If you added-up the price-tag for all the annoying commercikals in this race. … I figured this out… it’s enough to buy a brand new .. bright and shiny …. fresh from the factory…  Lear Jet.

The sticker-price for a brand new Luxury Lear jet … is 13-point-8 million dollars.   Which is exactly how much has been spent on this Senate race..  It comes out to  $7.32 for every single registered voter in Utah.  They spent 7.32 trying to win your vote.

Exactly as much as you’d pay for a dozen original glaze Krispy Kreme  donuts.  That’s what your vote is worth.  But the donuts don’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth like this campaign has.

After enduring these commercials and rolling your eyes this point… almost everybody’s decided  which of these candidates is scarier.  Which one is wrong for Utah.  Who’s ineffective. Who’s evil. 

Next time there’s a senate race… before we suffer through all the mudslinging… just a suggestion … We should pass a law that they have to sing the commercials.  And if they don’t we should take all that campaign money…  buy the learjet… it seats six.  Load up McMullin… Lee…    the billionaires bankrolling the ads. and fly them anywhere except Utah.

And for meal service on board?  A dozen krispy kreme donuts.

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