How many times did you hear this as a child from your parents, grandparents, teachers or siblings. or tell a child this as an adult, “don’t run with scissors in your hand.”   As kids, our guardians always instructed us not to run with glass, knives, sharp objects or scissors.  Why?  Because the potential to seriously injure self was a reality. 

As adults you are running with a different kind of sharp object, but no less lethal.  Your running with people who don’t give a damn about you and have passed their expiration date.   Your running behind people who love themselves more than you love you, and they are happily using you for their life’s process. Your running with learnt behaviors that are creating planned obsolescence in your life.  Your running with emotional blocks that compromise your personal growth and ability to see what you want. You are running on the fumes of other people’s ignorance, beliefs, ideologies and bull shit that has the same potential to hurt you, just as if you are running with broken glass, knives and scissors.

Stop RSVPing to crap that doesn’t even fertilize the mind.  Stop blaming him, her, them, Martians or whoever. It’s time to take a good hard look at you and the choices you have made that have brought you to this point, the point where you find yourself NOW.  It’s time to stand up for yourself taking responsibility, accountability and ownership, so that you can decide what you really want for your life.  Are you ready to stop the running with scissors?

Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we explore what not running with scissors can do for your life.