This week on the podcast I am so stoked to be joined by Nikki Hynes. I met Nikki on Instagram last year and we've been friends ever since and talk regularly! When I set out 5 things I'd like to do in 2018, 1 of them was meet Gary Vaynerchuk and the other was to do a podcast from the road and to try and make that become a thing. Well, i couldn't think of a better first guest than Nikki who's been on her weight loss journey for the last few years and has done incredible things. I continue to be inspired by her message and meeting her in person was even better. But wait it gets better, we did it from the front of the Wine Library store in New Jersey just hours before meeting guess who... Gary Vaynerchuk! So if you're keeping track that's 2 of my goals knocked out in a matter of a few hours. If you don't already, follow Nikki on Instagram at @bronc787! We take an hour and talk about her journey, the diets shes done, the workouts she's done what she's learned from it all and more! Be for Become a supporter of this podcast:[](