Season 2 Episode 7

I am an Asian-Indian American Physicist, who traveled from Gorakhpur, UP, India and finally settled in Providence, RI USA, with my German husband and two sons. I am passionate about cooking and organizing events which meld scientific concepts with arts and music. My research focuses on investigating the early universe moments after the Big Bang created in small and large particle colliders, by building  innovative scientific instruments (detectors) to explore and find  fundamental particles and their interactions, and through these experiments unravel mysteries such as the origin of matter, the types of matter in the universe and many more. I love my research, as it gives me a purpose, and gives me an  opportunity to forge an inclusive partnership with a diverse set of  researchers who help me connect with the  age-old quest of humankind to  understand where we come from, why we are here, and eventually visualize  the building blocks of our home, the universe! I am humbled to have been chosen as one of the leaders of the Energy  Frontier group of the broader Snowmass study to help formulate a  community wide vision to explore the TeV energy scale and beyond with  future collider options, which will define the landscape of experimental  opportunities over multiple decades [and late into this century].

My Journey as a Physicist is brought to you by PhD student Bryan Stanley (he/him/his) and Prof. Huey-Wen Lin (she/her). Season 2 is edited by Varalee Sakorikar.

Season 2 consists of members of the Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise known as Snowmass.

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