Allison Melody, host of the Food Heals podcast, talks about the healing power of food. And host Keith McArthur speaks with fitness contributor Kathleen Trotter about the best exercise for weight loss.

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Allison Melody is host of the Food Heals podcast. By her 25th birthday, Allison lost both her parents to cancer. This led her to explore non-traditional healing methods, including nutrition.

In this conversation, Keith and Allison discuss:

How her parents' untimely deaths led to Allison's interest in healing foods [2:15] Food elimination diets [3:45] How to know when to trust your doctor and when to look at other alternatives [4:58] Muscle testing [11:35] [14:05] Allison's Instruction Manual

1. What are the habits you maintain every day to stay happy and healthy? [14:23]

Getting enough sleep Drinking enough water Write gratitude journal Don't check cell phone when first wake up Healthiest possible smoothie 

 2. What personal development book do you recommend? [16:28]

The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein   

3. Favorite personal mantra / inspirational quote [18:15] 

"Let thy food be thy medicine; let thy medicine be they food." "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." --- Marianne Williamson

4. What's your one guilty pleasure? [19:18]


5. When your time comes, how do you want to be remembered? [21:21]

As someone who truly made a difference in helping people heal themselves.  [21:55] Where to find Allison Website: [22:56] Fitness contributor Kathleen Trotter on the best exercise for weight loss

Kathleen Trotter is author of Finding Your Fit: A Compassionate Trainer's Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit

In this conversation, Keith and Kathleen discuss:

Why exercise is more about overall health benefits than weight loss [24:20]  The importance of getting really specific with weight loss goals [26:10] Kathleen's weight loss recipe [27:25] Where to find Kathleen [33:03] Instagram: KathleenTrotterFitness Twitter: KTrotterFitness Facebook: KathleenTrotter  [33:31] Closing words

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