The last-minute bid of California Governor Jerry Brown to unseat Jimmy Carter's nomination raised a lot of questions about politics that are still present today. Should electability be a factor among primary voters? Can you out-new the new candidate? What time is the right time for candidates to 'get out' Should critics shut up to help a nominee in the general or speak their mind? This, and the surprising figure still very much in politics today who tried to Stop Carter.  
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The last-minute bid of California Governor Jerry Brown to unseat Jimmy Carter's nomination raised a lot of questions about politics that are still present today. Should electability be a factor among primary voters? Can you out-new the new candidate? What time is the right time for candidates to 'get out' Should critics shut up to help a nominee in the general or speak their mind? This, and the surprising figure still very much in politics today who tried to Stop Carter.  

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