An Election Changes Everything...A Secretary of State Loses Favor with the White House...A President Defies Norms...Secretaries Make Shocking Statements...Springsteen is Angry -A tremendous upheaval in politics occurred with a new President influenced by new media and speaking new political language, with a willingness to bend the rules. The upending culminates in a radical foreign policy no one expected and few, at that time, understood, so different it was literally thought to be from outer space. 
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An Election Changes Everything...A Secretary of State Loses Favor with the White House...A President Defies Norms...Secretaries Make Shocking Statements...Springsteen is Angry -A tremendous upheaval in politics occurred with a new President influenced by new media and speaking new political language, with a willingness to bend the rules. The upending culminates in a radical foreign policy no one expected and few, at that time, understood, so different it was literally thought to be from outer space. 

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