George Peppou, the CEO and cofounder of Vow Food is extremely funny, quirky, and extremely knowledgable. He talks fast but really knows his stuff.

Vow’s approach to Cultured meat is a lot different than what you’ve heard. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of a well-funded cultured meat startup, which talks about their black box technology and replicating a chicken nugget.

Vow’s approach is to really sell cultivated meat as a new, unique type of product that’s never been eaten before. You’ll hear them talk about Morsel, their first product. I don’t do a good job explaining it, but the way George does it, well, it gets the gears turning.

Have to thank my friend and genius inventor Mike Manion for helping me hunt down George! George was Mike’s first employee and when I was telling Mike I was going to Sydney, he connected me with George.

George’s story is inspiring and an entrepreneur’s underdog tale in that creating an innovative company isn’t just about the product you produce, but the people you surround yourself with and the tenacity to get stuff done with the resources that you have.

