We kick off this interview with some product development tips. Lindsey Wisener works with all sorts of clients big and small and so we talk about the best way to say, communicate feedback.

Lindsey owns WiseBev, a consultancy with a built-out lab in Indiana

It’s important to note that Lindsay built a consultancy with a functional lab from scratch but it took her a while to do so but by leveraging her experience and doing it right, she now thrives with a  small team, making innovative products.

We break down step by step how she did it. From what she studied in University to the value of keeping your connections close when you’re ready to try something new.

Show Notes

Peas on Moss with Lindsay Wisner
Robert Kay from Isagenix
What do you say in a sentence eor less?: I help people bring their beverage to life
I own and operate WiseBev and specifically do beverage
I have a small team of scientists. I live in a rural part of Indiana
Is it hard to get clients when you’re rural?: Sort of, so I made my own business
How do you communicate projects?: I do live tastings with my clients and have an objective when we taste. I take notes while we’re live.
How do you communicate feedback?: If it’s objective like a comparison, it’s a bit easier. If the objective is subjective, we talk a bit more specifically about the flavor profile
Who do you usually talk to during a tasting?: Generally the Internal R+D team.
Once it goes through the gauntlet, I’ve probably done around 50 or so samples so I have a generally good idea
How did you find out about food science?: Living in rural areas allows you to be iin tuned to food science. My animal science class had a video about being a food scientist
I ended up being a graduate student in dairy chemistry and worked at Johnson Nutrition
Johnson Nutrition focuses on three different types of formula: Baby, Toddler, and Older-than-Toddler
Then I worked at Kellogg’s nutrition
Insights on failed projects: Sometimes it truly is feasibility. The technology isn’t there yet
How is it different from working with Kelloggs and Entrepreneurs?: The big companies are still guarded by financials and technology. The smaller ones have different problems
Generally for Entrepreneurs, we have a two day working session and go through the whole process in understanding the challenges of making a beverage
What usually shocks people?: Generally the process cost and MOQ quantities. You can’t just make 2000 units. You have to make millions.
MOQ- Minimum Order Quantities
Shipping Water
When did you start your consulting business?: I was 30 and had my first kid and decided to do contract work. I started my LLC 2 years later
My first client was from my old boss at Johnson Nutrition that I still kept in contact with.
I started with a pH, aW meter, and some scales and had to drive to the local college to use the complex machinery. Eventually, I had enough money to create my own lab
I have a 25 acre place and thought I could create lab there.
Unfortuantely, there were a lot of challenges such as rezoning, put in a new septic system, approvals, inspection, and it cost 3 x as much and 3 x as long
But now it’s all good 4 years later. It’s a good investment for this type of situation
My Food Job Rocks: I get to spend all day in a lab creating new beverages
What trends or technology are you excited about?: Coffee innovation in tea. You might see some cool things in the tea space in the retail space
Have you noticed anything different in the clients you’re getting during the pandemic?: Alternate/non-dairy proteins is not going away. Hard Seltzer/Mocktails and some keto products
What is one thing in the food industry you would like to know more about?: Sensory science
Ivy Koliker’s episode
Do you recommend any books?: Gen Sincero. You Are a Badass
What about podcasts?: Biz Chicks, Consulting Success
What is some advice you can give on how to start consulting?: Do something you know really well. People kept on calling me on product development
Where can we find you?: I’m on Linkedin
[email protected]